Tardies are disruptive to both your child and his/her class. Punctuality is a habit that needs to be established while children are young. We would appreciate your cooperation in helping your child learn this important habit. Children must be in their classrooms by 8:15 am.
Short-Term Student Leave: Once per year, a parent/guardian may request, in advance, a single “short-term student leave” of up to seven school days for his/her child. For attendance purposes, an approved Short-term Student Leave will be considered unexcused. The child will not be dis-enrolled. The teacher will not prepare a work packet for the student prior to the leave. However, the parent/guardian/student can make up any work/exams missed during the days approved for the leave. For each day of the approved leave, the student will have an equal number of days to complete the missed work/exams during those approved days, once he/she returns from the leave.
Short-Term Student Leave is not available on the first or last ten (10) days of school, nor at any time during the State testing window as implemented by their school. If the leave runs concurrently with any other school vacation, the time including vacation days cannot be more than twelve (12) days total.
A maximum of five (5) days of Short-Term Student Leave may be used in conjunction with the winter break as long as the days including the winter break days do not exceed fifteen (15) days total.